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1/4/2018 Review of 20172017 was an amazing year for us and the Flat-Coats! A wide range of accomplishments both in and out of the ring and, as always, we got to see some old friends and make many new ones! KingKing had an incredible year. In addition to his 3 Owner-Handler Best in Shows and 3 Reserve Best Owner-Handler in Shows this year, he also took numerous group placements. While King took an almost 4-month break from showing in the middle of the year, in 2017 King:
We can't wait to see what 2018 brings for our boy! NinaNina has had an incredible year for such a young girl! In 2017, Nina:
2017 was a fantastic year and we can't wait to see what 2018 brings! |
January 2020
Copyright 2018. All Rights Reserved - Owned and maintained by Theresa & Jill Kuchinos
Last updated: 4.9.2020